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Mother's Day Gift Basket
Mother's Day Gift Basket
Mother's Day Gift Basket
Mother's Day Gift Basket
Mother's Day Gift Basket
Mother's Day Gift Basket

Mother's Day Gift Basket


Comes with a bag of house made Nola, our strawberry jam spun with Hapa honey, a jar of Yuzu passion fruit jam and a jar of yuzu kosho (both complete with an "I Love You-zu" sticker), and a jar of our house milled almond butter.

Don't forget to add a handwritten note in checkout to go with this gift for your Mom!

Mother's Day Gift Basket


Comes with a bag of house made Nola, our strawberry jam spun with Hapa honey, a jar of Yuzu passion fruit jam and a jar of yuzu kosho (both complete with an "I Love You-zu" sticker), and a jar of our house milled almond butter.

Don't forget to add a handwritten note in checkout to go with this gift for your Mom!

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We’ll send you a 2-pack of the most seasonal preserves. Never the same. Always in the moment.

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